PHP version: 7.4.10 Roc NY Music Roster-Edit

Eastman-Rochester New Horizons

Music for Life

Rochester New Horizons Music Roster Information..


David Shulman
I play the clarinet in the NH Symphonic Band and Clarinet Ensemble. I also play in the Kodak Band.

I am a Rochester native and attended #8 School and Franklin High. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester in 1964 and my D.D.S. from SUNY Buffalo in 1968. I was a Captain in the U.S. Army from 1969-1970, serving one year in Vietnam. I practiced dentistry in Rochester and Greece for 38 years and retired in 2007.

I took clarinet lessons at Hochstein Music School for about seven years, and played in my grade school and high school bands.

I have been married to my wife, Elaine, for 53 years and have two adult daughters. Deborah lives in Virginia Beach, Va. where she is a psychologist in their school system. Lisa lives in Seattle, Washington, and works as a medical researcher for Kaiser Permanente. My father played clarinet, as does my younger daughter. We enjoyed many years playing duets and trios together at family gatherings.

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